Use "dissertation|dissertations" in a sentence

1. "Open Access Dissertations".

2. We Backstroked over student dissertations and theses

3. Background: The actual value of medical dissertations is under current discussion.

4. His dissertation contained many plagiarisms.

5. Turn in your dissertation next month.

6. The dissertation demonstrates Chinese banking fragility.

7. The cecity consumer behavior dissertation contain Confessingly laved few apojove, consumer behavior dissertation whenever a complete arousing myself redressing

8. Nielsen completed his doctoral dissertation in 1913.

9. Assessment is by written examination and dissertation.

10. How do you write the thesis/dissertation Acknowledgements?

11. His dissertation on feline neural disorders would waIt.

12. The practical project is examined by written dissertation.

13. I'm working my notes up into a dissertation.

14. Did you have to cut your dissertation down?

15. 9 His dissertation on feline neural disorders would waIt.

16. In effect, such an order intends that all dissertations and papers will be submitted for vetting.

17. The PhD in Creativity is known for providing a tailored, personalized experience for each of its students and their unique, interdisciplinary dissertations

18. 14 Please limit the subtitle of your dissertation to twenty words.

19. She won the prestigious Chateaubriand fellowship to complete her dissertation.

20. Apun: The Arctic Snow Matthew Sturm, Semantics Of Scope In English (Outstanding Dissertations In Linguistics) Anthony S

21. Baalitical list of dissertation framing mired pace whomever needlewoman unequally

22. This dissertation adopts a functional approach to locative prepositional phrases.

23. This dissertation researches the functions of real right of pledge.

24. More senior pupils in schools can use a word processor to write up projects or dissertations for internal or external examinations.

25. Susan take a two - month leave of absence to finish her dissertation.

26. AEROBIC AND Autosuggestive APPROACHES be accepted as fulfilling the dissertation requirement for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy • Dissertation Director As members of the Final Examination Committee, we certify that we have read this dissertation and agree that it may be presented for final defense

27. Augures, Profit‐Aware Web Infrastructure Management PhD dissertation defense May 2014

28. This is the most crucial part of the dissertation Acknowledgements page

29. The Award goes to the student who presents the best dissertation

30. Performance: a practical recital plus a dissertation on a related subject.

31. His dissertation was titled "On complex analytic manifolds with Kahler metric".

32. The dissertation also analyzed some network elements which influent networks performance.

33. Einstein also showed Kleiner his first PhD thesis dissertation in November 1901.

34. This dissertation emphasizes the advantageous and disadvantageous elements in establishing a regime.

35. We organize the dissertation in order according to the sequence of logic ratiocination.

36. This dissertation examined soft skill acquisition from engagement in Baccalaureate nursing programs

37. I'm supposed to have handed in a first draft of my dissertation.

38. I was personally reminded of it when I was writing my dissertation.

39. The epilogue summarizes and generalizes the epistemic productions of this dissertation.

40. The dissertation analyzes harmonic current and the dead time effect of inverter.

41. Christology is a continuous dissertation on Jesus as the Messiah of God

42. To unscramble the local culture is the end - result of the dissertation.

43. A stratify sampling algorithm for extracting classification rules is proposed in the dissertation.

44. This dissertation examines the influence of referral source Coerciveness on mediation participation and outcomes

45. 6 This dissertation reports on a systematic study of anaphoric repair in Chinese conversation.

46. Dissertation Absolutisme Monarchique papers, or research papers needed within 8 to 24 hours

47. Limitations of space preclude a lengthy dissertation on what is a vast subject.

48. 23 I'm supposed to have handed in a first draft of my dissertation.

49. We appreciate that you have chosen our cheap essay service, and will provide you Dissertation Absolutisme Monarchique with high-quality and low-cost custom essays, research papers, term Dissertation Absolutisme Monarchique

50. This dissertation works on applying the intelligence technique to accomplish gearshift of AMT.

51. Sources include international journals (80%), books, reports, dissertations, and grey literature. Bibliographic information, descriptors, geographic terms, additional subject information and abstracts are searchable.

52. A theory of Bonapartism based on heuristic case study is developed in this dissertation

53. Her dissertation, Stochastic Differential Equations In A Hilbert Space, was supervised by Peter Falb.

54. Candidates are required to present a dissertation of between 000 and 000 words.

55. Students can either do a dissertation or take part in a practical project.

56. It is laid down that all candidates must submit three copies of their dissertation.

57. He completed this study as a seminar exercise; it later became his doctoral dissertation.

58. 10 Each student has a supervisor to advise on the writing of the dissertation.

59. This dissertation studies and analyses active sonar reverberation model and anti-reverberation signal processing.

60. This dissertation has made some study on the related questions about the crime of factual bigamy.

61. My dissertation also pertinently states the existing problems and the ameliorated Methods: Used in the system.

62. Indeed, a letter to Besso contains some of the central ideas of the 1905 dissertation.

63. This dissertation focuses on the coexistence of time words in the former clause complex sentence.

64. The President's Dissertation Certificates, accompanied by a £500 bursary from Butterworth-Heinemann, were awarded to.

65. The only exception to this happy situation is the case study or historical thesis or dissertation.

66. Investigations on an impinging jet under the influence of crossflow are carried out in this dissertation.

67. This bibliography provides an alphabetical listing of over 1500 articles, books, and dissertations that treat in some way the topic of Clitics and related matters, e.g

68. In 1865 he became Doctor of Science for his dissertation "On the Combinations of Water with Alcohol".

69. Finally, this dissertation comes to the conclusion that Keats is a unique and foresighted poet of Romanticism.

70. This dissertation a monograph about the determinative sentence ( DS ) in the languages of Sino - Tibetan family ( ST ) .

71. In this dissertation, Cyclohexylbenzene ( CHB ) was used as a new overcharge protection additive in li - ion batteries.

72. Then proceed to perform your humorous dissertation or series of physical Buffooneries for the artificial child

73. Especially when I was trying to crank out my 130 page dissertation for my masters degree.

74. In 1726, Euler completed a dissertation on the propagation of sound with the title De Sono.

75. 2 The present dissertation deals with the displacement reaction of ethylene and high alkyl aluminum compounds.

76. Actually, they Methodologie Dissertation Management Agregation need it to be in order to successfully go through college

77. 🔊 The doctoral student searched the Annals for his dissertation on the history of the American colonies

78. In his dissertation he proved a twenty-year-old conjecture of Serge Lang about semi-Abelian varieties.

79. According to Green, the methods of Schur's dissertation today are important for the theory of algebraic groups.

80. This dissertation arose from my puzzle about the origin of the secret memorial system of Qing dynasty.